Your treat.

February 9, 2007


Love is in the details. And who doesn’t love a little lovin’ detail now and then? 

THIS WEEK: Give a treat to two people. Don’t spend more than $20 bucks, ten would be ideal. Ideally, you’ve been paying attention to what gives them comfort and thrills. Just in case… 

10 Treats to delight:


  1.  A magazine…fashion, trashy, or specialized – all good. (Roll up and tie with a string.)
  2.  A box of tea or bag of coffee beans (ground if they don’t have a grinder.)
  3.  Mangoes, strawberries or a chocolate bar.
  4.  A few flowers wrapped in craft paper.
  5.  A gratitude rock. Find a pebble, imbue it with love. Tell the recipient to carry it in their pocket or purse to remind them to think of something they’re grateful for when they touch it.
  6.  A CD – a new release or home-burned.
  7.  Extra special sparkly water.
  8.  A mechanical pencil, with some extra leads.
  9.  Gourmet pretzels.
  10.  And the can’t-go-wrong treat: bubble bath or shower gel.


Now, here’s the trick – pump up the presentation. Tiny treats accompanied with gushy notes have major impact. Strategically placed surprise treats (on the pillow, inside the desk drawer, in a lunch bag) have extra zing zing.  

A little love, well presented, says a lot. 



Speaking of love…our wise and witty friend, Dr. Cheryl Fraser is bringing her Become Passion seminar to
Vancouver this February 21st. Take one step closer your inner sizzle, and register at


{What are your favorite treats to give and receive? If you’d like to share your thoughts, we’d love to hear them. You can do so on our blog:}

Risk calculations.

February 6, 2007

“Security is mostly superstition.”
— Helen Keller
We recently met with a very successful business man for some advice about growing our company. The conversation quickly turned to perceptions of risk versus gain. “Early on in the company,” he told us, “I offered five employees lower salaries in exchange for stocks in the business. One of them took it, four of them declined.” (As it turns out, the four who declined were all women. They wanted more security.) That same company is now worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

THIS WEEK: Examine what feels scary, but invigorating to you…terrifying, but totally thrilling. Where do you pull back, when really, you’re longing to spread your wings? Now ask yourself: what would you be risking if you reached for the upside of that creative tension? We encourage you to peel that question like an onion. Ask it repeatedly, until what’s truly at risk becomes clear. We wager that fears associated with risk are rarely about money or physical comforts, and more often about how we’ll be perceived by others.

Exposure is the engine of risk. Sometimes what’s revealed is dramatic and sweeping, and sets huge effects in motion. And sometimes, a risk is the choice to share your idea, to live for the moment, or to let someone see you cry…or fly.

Win or lose, taking a risk will show you more of what you’re made of.

Special delivery.

February 6, 2007

Criticism is a killer. It can crush good intentions and depress spirits. Some relationship experts say it’s one of the root causes of divorce. As for complaining and judgmentalness…also total downers.

But some feedback and requests must be delivered. And when it comes to communicating subjects that are sensitive to either you or the recipient – how you say it can be just as important as what you say. It doesn’t matter if you’re talking to someone who adores you, or someone who is paid to do what you tell them, the tone of your voice and the shape of your words is what will linger in their minds.

THIS WEEK: Choose one or two people in your life whom you want to communicate with more effectively. When you connect with them this week, imagine that you’re what Love is The Killer App author, Tim Sanders calls, a Love Cat. Love Cats purr, they don’t hiss. You can be filing a grievance, opposing an opinion, or laying out an ultimatum, and if you do it as if you were speaking directly into the other’s person’s heart, you may actually be felt and heard.

Love Cats ask nicely. Why claw when you can simply meow?

Pay day.

January 19, 2007

Reciprocity, noun:

§ given or felt by each toward the other; mutual: reciprocal respect. § mutual or cooperative interchange of favors or privileges. § benefit, consideration, earnings, honorarium, payment, payoff, premium, profit, reward, salt, satisfaction

We’re all for selfless giving – it’s a beautiful and transformative force of nature. But today, we’re encouraging you to be out rightly, gleefully self-centered. Play Chief Operating Officer of your life and take score.

THIS WEEK: 1. FUNCTION: Consider the value of what you create for others. An organized social calendar for your family. Peace of mind or direction for clients and coworkers. A profitable business that benefits many. A lovely home vibe. Sage advice. Punctuality. Tenderness and laughter. 2. FORM: What form of payment would you like to receive: greater revenue, public recognition, constructive feedback, a hug when you come home? Or perhaps some quiet time, a love note, or a simple but sincerely spoken ‘thank you’ would fill your boots. 3. SOURCE: Where do you want that reciprocity to come from? Your friends, family, boss, customers…or your self? If you don’t take yourself for granted, life is full of rewards.

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: STYLE STATEMENT GOES TO HOLLYWOOD! Style Statement Gift Certificates will be included in the Celebrity Gift collections at The Critics’ Choice Awards, the Access Hollywood Lounge for the Golden Globes® and the Independent Spirit Awards!

{If you’d like to share your thoughts, we’d love to hear them. You can do so on our blog:}

What’s your currency?

January 12, 2007

We all have something to give. Time. Money. Information. Wisdom. The more we give of our natural gifts, the more we get in return.

THIS WEEK: think about what you’re great at. Make a list and make it long. Nothing is too trivial, grand or abstract…home renos, buying art, collecting recipes, non-judgmental listening, finding romance, raising loving kids, negotiating big purchases; baking, making money, knowing lot’s of people, reading amazing books; copy editing or closet organizing; giving terrific parties, neck rubs, or spiritual perspective.

Consider two or three things on your list that give you the most fun and fulfillment, and put them into a form to give away…via a donation, a conversation, a thoughtful email, or an offer to help out for an afternoon.

Feel the rewards of doing what comes so naturally to you. Notice how immensely constructive ease can be.

Style Statement Gift Certificates will be included in the Celebrity Gift collections at
The Critics’ Choice Awards, the Access Hollywood Lounge for the Golden Globes®
and the Independent Spirit Awards!
{If you’d like to share your thoughts, we’d love to hear them. You can do so on our blog:}

What’s changed?

January 5, 2007

Change typically happens so gradually within us that we often forget to celebrate our very own evolution, let alone make it officially known to others. People change all the time and forget to tell each other.

THIS WEEK: Consider how you’ve changed last year, or over the years. And let it be known. Write out a change tally for yourself… “Stopped caring so much what the neighbors think; improved the energy of the living room by getting rid of that chair I never really liked; I now spend my money on experiences instead of stuff; I no longer tolerate criticism; I’m plenty more compassionate.”

Have a “How have we changed?” jam session with a good friend (this is an especially potent conversation to have with life partners.) Talk about what you’ve out grown, and come to know, and love, and leave behind. You may be amazed at who you’ve become.

And then ask yourself: what makes you change?
{If you’d like to share your thoughts, we’d love to hear them. You can do so on our blog:}

Word up.

December 29, 2006

Pick a word, but not just any word…
CLARITY. HARVEST. COURAGE. GENIUS. PASSION. BALANCE. JACKPOT.  We adore words. We love the layers, the history, the power of them. In the right combination, with certain intent, words are a magic formula. (like say, a Style Statement…)

Every New Year we choose words as the theme or experience we want for that year. Last year, Danielle’s word was Communion. Carrie’s was Consistency. We threw in some extra words like, Ease and Simplicity just to juice up the potential.

THIS NEW WEEK: choose your words for the year – one or two audio gems to plug into your heart as an added bass beat. Take your time. Meditate or doodle. Sometimes you need to claim your word like a brass ring of promise, other times it will float into your mind and feel just right when it gets there.

Every word is a song unto itself. Let it move your groove forward.

Sincere Sparkle

December 22, 2006

By now you’ve probably geared up for the holidays with sense of sweet anticipation… or angst.  Work parties, dinner with strangers we’re related to, and “what were you thinking?!” presents — it can be tricky to be sincere when you’re out of your comfort zone.  But the holidays are, after all, an opportunity to give and to shine. And sincerity is a gift that positively glows. 

THIS HOLIDAY: Intend to give some sincere sparkle. When you arrive for a get together, before you’re swept away in the chaos, hug the host, look them in the eye, and say something like, “we’re excited for the day.” When you mean it, it goes straight to the heart. If you get another lame present from Aunt Clara, find a way to adore her later in the day. While you’re clearing the dinner table, ask her what her favorite holiday memory is – she’ll be radiant in the telling of it. And when the guests are leaving, a simple, “we really love spending time with you,” will warm them all the way home.  Long after the gift certificates are spent, it’s the genuine, sparkle-in-the-eye moments that become more luminous over time. Shine.

Take a stand

December 15, 2006

Friday Focus #13Title: Take a stand.  What do we all have to learn from ballet dancers, yogis, super models, and Admirals? The power of good posture. 8 reasons to stand up straight: 

  1. Your energy flows more freely. You are anchored and extended.
  2. It helps keep your heart open, and your belly tucked back and relaxed.
  3. Your clothes hang much better.
  4. Good posture makes your muscles and bones happy.
  5. People will take you more seriously.
  6. You look good.
  7. Your voice is stronger.
  8. Dignity is always in style.

THIS WEEK: when you’re waiting in line at the bank, walking into a meeting, doing your dishes, or soaking in the shower: STAND UP STRAIGHT. Then…take that good energy and take a stand for what you believe in.

The power of pretend

December 7, 2006

Our business is founded on the power of inquiry. For those of you who’ve had a Style Statement session, you know how illuminating simple questions can be. Every once and a while we encounter the “I don’t know,” pattern with a client. Before they actually reply to each question, they casually, almost unconsciously say, “Well, I don’t know…” For some of us, the “I don’t know” buffer is more than a reflex. It’s a deep and binding groove that holds fulfillment at bay. Here’s a handy lever for getting out of the “Dunno Rut”: PRETEND THAT YOU DO KNOW. Yep, fake it. Trick your subconscious. Play with your mind. Dunno what you want more of in your life? Well, what if you did know? Dunno what’s around the corner? Pretend that you do –- and dare yourself to plan accordingly.  

THIS WEEK: What’s one thing you’re feeling confused, perplexed or befuddled about? Pretend for a moment that you are all knowing and all sensing, and give yourself some profound insight. Make up some wisdom — just like a wise, straight-shootin’ friend would do for you. You won’t always get it right. But playing wise with yourself is the beginning of real mastery. We’re certain of it. 

{note: if you’d like to share your thoughts, we’d love to hear them. You can do so on our blog:}